Thursday 6 April 2017

Digital Literacy


To tackle this problem unemployed people will have to first have skills to that they can be able to do certain things around. They will be given short exercises to bee tested what and where can they be placed in order for them to receive a job that they good at, not to just provide them with things that they don't know. The municipality should try to create more jobs or organisations for the unemployed so that they can earn something for a living.

D efine-to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning that an individual has for itself. 

D iscover- They should make theirselves known or visible so that people can know, they can do that by posting on social networks, go around job hunting. 

D ream- A person must have thoughts about what he or she wants to do with his or her life, should imagine himself doing the best working for the best and producing the best for the environment and surroundings. An individual must DREAM BIG.

D eliver-  You should be able to bring and hand over yourself where there open opportunities so that you can be an employee at a particular place if not no one will see that you are in need of employment.

D brief- A person should be able to question formally and systematically in order to obtain useful intelligence or information from other people.

D esign- A person must have a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings that he or she has experienced on.

Digital footprints can be a problem because anyone, stranger may have access to your personal information that you have shared, posts, pictures, or they can check where you are via social networks. They can also have access to where you work and where you've been, it can also ruin your reputation, your personal brand and if you have one your business. There are people out there who are willing to hunt you down by all means using the digital footprints. These days before you get hired the company will go check in all your social networks o how you live your daily life, and this can also ruin your reputation towards them.

Tips I can share with you about digital footprints are that you should avoid the online and social space entirely can backfire too.
Try not to post personal information on your social networks so that your reputation can be kept standard.

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