Monday 12 June 2017


Sesethu Zikhona's death

It all started as a joke whereby Sesethu Zikhona, 14, had her videos circulating on the internet and she said they were posted without her permission. In the explicit footage, which she sent to her boyfriend only she was seen self-pleasuring herself. The footage was then posted online which led to dozens of people creating cruel memes about her. As the video was circulated around to more and more people, she started getting recognized on the street by people who had watched the footage,
which triggered her depression. Mrs Zikhona told Live Monitor that following her daughter’s misfortune she had to force herself to watch the footage and believes her daughter was under the effect of drugs at the time. She also believes the footage was posted online as a ‘criminal plan’ to humiliate her. You as a person should try by all means not to ruin your reputation because it might be hard for you to find job and also to be a volunteer at some organisations.

 Image result for sesethu zikhonas death  Image result for sesethu zikhonas death

These are some of the digital etiquette guidelines that will help other people on how to behave on social media
You should only have friends that you know in person
Respect the privacy and settings of that specific network
You should always put yourselves in someones shoes.
You should be able to deal with comments in a mannered way

Wednesday 7 June 2017


As humans, we may not see things as the same way. I believe that the Napalm Girl it was inappropriate for her nude bodies to be shared all over. We all know that at the past the Napalm Girl was taken an authentic picture of an incident during the Vietnamese war.

 Nudity is something that we are exposed to from day one; it is only the nature of said nudity that changes with time. But now you can see someone’s nude on the Internet in a matter of seconds. Our society has transformed in a sense where we used to desperately search for nudity and now it is damn near impossible to avoid. While nudity and porn are adamantly against some for the community guideline regulations for social media sites, they still exist. Regulation against these unlawfully nude accounts has been very hit or miss in what is viewed as acceptable or not.

And now it is sad that the girl is exposed in such manner, I believe she now has children and it would not be a good image towards them. Social media is not exempt from this ideal, there are good posts and bad posts, best practices and worst practices, and good nudity and bad nudity.

Social media allows users to create a profile among many platforms and connect with people around the world via images or text. The use of the hashtag on social media has revolutionized marketing and created a specific niche of contact between people and consumer.  It is not a good image at all. It should be removed from the media so that the girl can live in peace.

Image result for napalm girl



  1. Who is Homo naledi?
  2. Where was Homo naledi discovered?
  3. How many years did Homo naledi live in Africa?
  4. What does Homo naledi mean?
  5. Why was Homo naledi discovered as a human?
Homo naledi is a formerly obscure types of terminated hominin found inside the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star surrender framework, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. This species is portrayed by body mass and stature like little bodied human populaces however a little endocranial volume like australopiths. Cranial morphology of H. naledi is exceptional, yet most like early Homo species including Homo erectus, Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis. This is the biggest gathering of a solitary types of hominins yet found in Africa.

Photo by Mark Thiessen/National Geographic. This image is from the October issue of National Geographic. More on”

Homo naledi was a smallish hominid that researchers believed roamed the Cradle of Humankind somewhere between one and three million years ago. Scientists don’t yet know for sure how old the fossils unearthed in the Dinaledi Chamber are, so it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly where this diminutive species fits into the history of evolution. Homo naledi was discovered one friday night in September 2013. Homo naledi lived 236000 and 335000 years in Africa, 'naledi' means a star in sesotho

Tuesday 6 June 2017



Q6.1 What is digital socialization? How can social media change communities and their practices and traditions.

Digital socialization refers to the way people communicate and what they use to do so. It is the customs, quirks and language unique to a culture. The media can help the community by educating the community about current issues that happening around use keeping us informed with the truth. The internet involves millions of people from various countries as well as backgrounds and has developed their own cultural quirks all on its own. 

Facebook has more than 800 million active users in 2012. The micro-blogging platform Twitter has 100 million, while the business communication network LinkedIn claims 64 million users. Internet socialization involves a huge number of people worldwide. Many American users consider Internet socializing as having a positive impact.


Q6.2 What ethical issues could arise as a result of digital socialization

False news, misleading the public and over exaggerating of actual events that has happened. This can cause an ethical issue in digital socialization

In a world that is constantly changing and new technology as well as media platforms forming it is easy to lose sight of your ethics, having social media as a career it is easy to put on a personal that is not a true reflection of who you are. Having such a huge following on social media it is important for these public figures to or media content creators to grapple with ethical issues as well. Many bloggers, and public figures show a lot of their lives on social media making them easy targets for hacking as well robbing both online as well as in real life.
Image result for digital law


Digital rights and responsibilities

Opportunity-Digital nationals have a privilege to a free uncensored web. 

Openness-Digital residents have a privilege to an open, unhindered web.

Fairness-All computerized subjects are made equivalent on the web.

Support-Digital natives have the privilege to serenely take an interest where and how they pick on the web.

Imagination-Digital residents have a privilege to make, develop and celebrate on the web, and be considered responsible for what they make.

Sharing-Digital subjects have the privilege to share their thoughts, legal revelations, and feelings in the web

Accessibility-Digital natives have the privilege to get to the web similarly, paying little heed to their identity or where they are.

Association-Digital natives have the privilege to uninhibitedly relate on the web.

Privacy-Digital natives have the privilege to security on the web.

Property-Digital subjects have the privilege to profit what they make, and be secure in their protected innovation on the web.

Image result for digital citizens rights and responsibilities Image result for digital citizens rights and responsibilities



Image result for b2b e commerce

Site taking after B2B plan of action pitches its items to a middle of the road purchaser who then pitches the item to the last client. For instance, a distributor puts in a request from an organization's site and in the wake of accepting the dispatch, offers the final result of wholesaler’s retail outlet.

B2B Model
B2B infers that merchant and also purchaser is business element. B2B covers vast number of utilization's which empowers business to shape associations with their merchants, affiliates, providers and so on. Taking after are the main things in B2B web based business.

Image result for b2c e commerce

Business to Customer(B2C)

Site taking after B2C plan of action offers its item straightforwardly to a client. A client can see items appeared on the site of business association. The client can pick an item and request the same. Site will send a notice to the business association through email and association will dispatch the item/merchandise to the client.
B2C Model
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

Site taking after C2C plan of action causes buyer to offer their advantages like private property, autos, bikes and so forth or lease a room by distributing their data on the site. Site could conceivably charge the shopper for its administrations. Another purchaser may select to purchase the result of the principal client by survey the post/notice on the site.

C2C Model
Consumer to Business (C2B)

In this model, a purchaser approaches site demonstrating various business associations for a specific administration. Buyer puts a gauge of sum he/she needs to spend for a specific administration. For instance, correlation of financing costs of individual advance/auto credit given by different banks by means of site. Business association who satisfies the buyer's prerequisite inside determined spending plan approaches the client and gives its administrations.

C2B Model


Sesethu Zikhona's death It all started as a joke whereby Sesethu Zikhona, 14, had her videos circulating on the internet and she said...